Thursday, December 24, 2009

The hopes and fears of all the years a met in thee tonight.

At this hour of the morning when I usually prefer to be sleeping soundly I came across a blog post that was comforting to me as my first Christmas with a significant loss is about to begin. The other day I was very sad at the thought of having lost Nolan and that Christmas just wasn't going to be all that good this year. I started thinking of Christmas a the celebration of Christ's birth and what Christ did for us. It was relieving. I can't say that this christmas will be what I thought it would be 3 months ago, but I have a new view of what it will hold for me this year.

Merry Christmas

Take a moment to think of the significant role Christ has had in your life.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

Our trees through the years








Monday, December 14, 2009

Doing those things we don't love to do

I just got around to the annual cousin letter. I've always been a procrastinator when it came to the letter, but this year I really didn't want to write anything. I think everyone around me knows that Nolan passed away the day he was born and that it was the most challenging experience of my life. I have written a few things about it, mostly for myself, so I'll remember and so others will know how I feel. I didn't want to revisit those feelings to share with the family too much, but I got something out and it's been a challenge even in its brevity. That's that, so I'm just gonna say it now. If I have another year like this one was I'm not writing anything.