Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Oh my, there are so many leafs

It's almost a full week into December and I was raking leafs today because our tree just holds onto them until either there is a lot of wind/rain/snow to bring them down, or the new leafs start to come in.
Here's a picture of the boys playing in the leafs before I raked the first time almost a month ago. I have raked a total of three times now and filled about 25 bags. I hope I'm done for this year, but we have yet to see what kind of weather is to come and how much more the tree will dump on our yard. I'm praying for only strong winds that blow everything into neighboring yards.


Lucy van Pelt said...

That picture is great! I finally raked the leaves in our yard on Saturday. It's one of my least favorite activities, but I was getting sick of everyone tracking the leaves in the house non-stop.

annzy said...

you're so neighborly hoping to give away your leaves like that.

Orange said...

Come on! How can you get a higher blog reading level than me when you say things like "leafs!" They are really and truly leaves, hon. You know I would have to give you a hard time about that. I'm just sayin'.

PJMcD said...

Excuse me ,but those are leafesez.