Some of you might remember an issue with E and anemia last year. It showed up once again at his well child visit so we actually visited the specialist that we tried to see last year when there was a power issue at the hospital. He is anemic, and probably always will be. He has a congenital form of anemia that his body thinks is normal. As any of you that know him can tell he is rather active which is a good thing in this case.
The other day I was getting some chewies out of the pan when the spatula slipped and I dug it into the palm of my hand. The DW thought I should go get stitches, and I didn't. It wasn't bleeding too bad and the wound hasn't hurt much either. My hand has been a little sore, but not at the specific place where the wound is. I think I'm fine.
Lastly the DW was cleaning up a broken light bulb and cut her thumb. She thought she might need to visit the doctor to make sure it didn't need stitches. It was far less severe than my hand, so I convinced her it would be alright.